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Although The Backgammon Chronicles presents the  enthusiast with a unique and enjoyable way to explore the modern game, any of the well-established sites listed below are excellent sources of further guidance and information.

Originally called Backgammon Galore, this excellent site is your go-to resource for every sort of backgammon information, from the elementary to the highly sophisticated. It contains hundreds of articles that trace the development of key backgammon concepts; a solid bibliography and glossary; and historical material not to be found elsewhere.

Another important site, heavily relied upon by tournament players because of its two features, "Mark Your Calendar," which displays a comprehensive list of upcoming tournaments, both in the United States and worldwide, and "Tourney Results," which shows full results for major tournaments the world over since 1998.

This website of the US Backgammon Federation (which just turned 10 in 2018), is an excellent resource for domestic players. The federation offers online and live tournaments, publishes the bi-monthly magazine PrimeTime Backgammon, reports on tournament and club activity throughout the United States, and provides a variety of other informational and instructional resources.

The place to go for online lessons. The Center leaves little to chance, providing its 30+ expert instructors with detailed lesson plans capable of aiding players at every level of the game. Also a vendor for high-quality boards, dice, clocks, baffle boxes and apps.

Your artificial intelligence store. Cheap and user-friendly, ExtremeGammon (XG) is a better backgammon player than any human. Nowadays it's an essential learning device for every expert on the planet--not only as a sparring partner, but as an analytic tool that identifies--and helps to eliminate--mistakes.

An exciting new site, created by the Danish expert Marc Olsen. Galaxy, still in beta testing, offers a pleasant platform for online play and attracts the very best players (as well as the ordinary ones) from all over the world. Open 24/7, it's free, easy to join and active, and has just obtained its gaming license. Stay tuned!

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